Readings with Rev. Susan Snowden

The Big 3

Most people seek assistance with what I call The Big Three --- Health, Wealth, and Happiness. This is in no way indicative of all the areas in which one might find my services helpful.

I've done readings for teams working together to build an organization or enterprise and two or more persons committed to expanding intimacy in their relationship.

I've been called in on psychic disturbances (hauntings), contacting deceased loved ones, as well as facilitating exchange between our animal friends and their people.

Many of my clients come because they are facing Spiritual Emergencies or simply looking to find some meaning and direction in their lives.

The Universe is Infinite. So are the reasons you may feel drawn to working with me.


As I've struggled with my own wellness issues, I've learned all dis-ease has psycho-spiritual aspects and our journey towards balance must include addressing and integrating those repressed facets of ourselves.

A reading can help clarify the underlying energetic basis for illness, and in acknowledging the gifts of dis-ease, we honor our healing abilities and processes.


Career and money concerns are often the focus of a reading. An examination of the energy that limits our creativity gives us permission to allow the limit-less Abundance of Creation to flow.


Most people define joy through the expression of relationships -- those interactions between ourselves and others. A reading can help illuminate the energetic dynamics at work with our significant other, relatives, friends, co-workers, peers, and companions.

Contacting Deceased Loved Ones

A desire for communication with loved ones who have crossed over bring many people to this site. My intention in such readings is to focus on understanding, resolution, and finding a place of peace.

Find out more about contacting deceased loved ones...

Psychic Disturbances

There are many things that can affect the energy of a place in space. The goal is to identify the cause and then apply Universal Law to restore harmony.

Animal Communication

Our animal friends, and their gifts in loving us unconditionally, are one of the greatest blessings on this earth.

I have done readings for pets and their people with mixed results. It is often difficult to distinguish the energy of a devoted companion from that of his or her human counterpart. They match us, and heal us, taking on our burdens in an attempt to relieve us of pain and suffering.

Because of this, I limit such readings, and only do them under special circumstances. If you are seeking guidance for your animal friend, please contact me beforehand, and I will advise whether I feel my abilities will be of service.

Spiritual Emergence

Spiritual Awakenings are becoming commonplace. My own began with a spontaneous activation of kundalini during a yoga class. Such events trigger a desire to understand our life purpose and find support for spiritual expression.

Find out more about Spiritual Emergence...
