Book Recommendations on Healing from Rev. Susan Snowden


Louise is a true pioneer and I owe her a debt of gratitude for the hope she fanned inside me when doctors could not help me. They gave up, and, if I hadn't found her books, I might have too.

You Can Heal Your Life (First published in 1984)

Whenever a symptom of an illness presents, either in myself or others, this is the first book I reach for. The physical body will get what it needs. When we fail to listen to the messages our bodies are trying to send, the system becomes unbalanced and dis-ease is the result.

Louise, in the tradition of the Seth teachings, reminds us that thought creates reality and offers a starting point to examine the belief systems in conflict with our bliss.

You Can Heal Your Life contains an index of physical complaints and afflictions, and provides a suggestion to the underlying cause. I've found this to be the perfect jumping off place to dig deeper for the root cause of my discomfort, and that of others. This book should be in every home.

You Can Heal Your Life: Special Edition Box Set (Book & DVD Box Set)

From the Amazon website: "This Collector’s Edition box set contains the first-ever film on self-help pioneer Louise L. Hay, together with her original best-selling book.

Discover the wisdom of Louise for yourself --- that we can harness the power of affirmations to transform our lives, one thought at a time, using her powerful techniques. A compassionate teacher and internationally renowned author, Louise has helped millions of people by showing them how to heal their lives—and these incredible works will help you heal yours."

Love Yourself, Heal Your Life Workbook

From the Amazon website: "Louise L. Hay, the internationally renowned author and lecturer, brings you the companion book to her landmark bestseller, You Can Heal Your Life

Here, Louise applies techniques of self-love and positive thinking to a wide range of topics that affect us all on a daily basis, including health, fearful emotions, addictions, money and prosperity, sexuality, aging, love and intimacy, and more

As Louise says, "These exercises will give you new information about yourself that will enable you to make new choices. If you're willing, then you can definitely create the kind of life you want."



Around about the time I learned of Robert Moss, a student in one of my meditation classes loaned me a book by medical intuitive Christel Nani. After years of self examination and meditative practice, there were still places I was stuck. Christel helped me bust down some of the final walls to recognize those few remaining limiting beliefs that kept me captive.

Sacred Choices: Thinking Outside the Tribe to Heal Your Spirit

The idea of a core belief system was instilled in my world view by reading the Seth books. I like Christel's term "tribal beliefs" much better than core beliefs, because I think it's a more accurate representation that includes the point of origin.

Tribal beliefs are the genesis of all the programming we are subjected to --- from our culture, families, religions, schools, political systems, and all institutions that affect people living together in groups.

Christel suggests when those tribal beliefs are not in alignment with the true expression of our personhood and soul purpose, we whither, and, quite literally, die.

As with all the books I've found most useful, she provides exercises to help us dig deeper to that place of discovery and understanding. If she offered a workshop close to where I live, I'd RUN to participate.

Diary of a Medical Intuitive: One Woman's Eye-Opening Journey from No-Nonsense E.R. Nurse to Open-Hearted Healer and Visionary

This is Christel's autobiography and details her struggle to accept the truth of her beingness in the face of her stringent scientific training as a health care professional.

Christel chronicles the turning point in her career as an extremely successful ER nurse when she experienced the rapid onset of MS, which quickly debilitated her. She was forced to take disability leave and examine her options.

It is a fascinating read. If you've suffered with a serious illness, you will find yourself in the pages of this book. Christel tells us how she navigated her way back to wholeness, accepting her soul purpose and choosing to live it.

Healing Your First Three Chakras (Audio CD)

This is a recording from one of Christel's workshops. She focuses on the health of the first three chakras, and I suspect this is because she feels as I do --- that these energy centers influence and relate most directly to the balance of our physical body.

I loved this audio presentation. Christel is a compelling, dynamic teacher and she focuses on what sorts of tribal beliefs we store in each of the first three chakras. She speaks directly to participants at the workshop, and uses examples from their tribal belief systems to illustrate her points.

Transforming Your Archetypes, Healing the Big 4 within You. Child Victim Saboteur Prostitute (Audio CD 2 Disk Set)

Like the CD above, this is also from one of Christel's workshops. It left me wanting more! Christel works extensively with what she calls the archetype blueprint in her readings, in addition to the chakra system.

This audio presentation covers the four archetypes we all share --- Child, Victim, Saboteur, and Prostitute and demonstrates how the stunted development of each keeps us from expressing the truth of our divine nature.

I had more than one "aha moments" while listening. Christel continues to push me to explore...




Love Your Disease: It's Keeping You Healthy

For those of you who might need to hear from someone with the authority of the medical profession, this book is a stand out. Written by an Australian doctor and naturopath, Love Your Disease will help change your mind on how you think about illness. This book helped me heal myself.

According to John --- "The body itself has no power to generate illness; illness is merely the shadow thrown by the mind. A healthy mind will shadow forth a healthy body; an unhealthy mind will shadow forth an unhealthy body. Every new cell created in the body is either negative or a positive thought in form. In the old days, it was customary to say that cells are "built under the influence" of either negative or positive thought. In reality, the cells are the thought itself. Healthy thoughts mean healthy cells; sick thoughts mean sick cells”




Love, Medicine and Miracles: Lessons Learned about Self-Healing from a Surgeon's Experience with Exceptional Patients

Dr. Bernie Siegel is at the forefront of the medical professionals looking to understanding the mind body connection central to the process of healing. He has written many good books and I've seen him speak in person.

This one sits on my bookshelf. He discusses the power of love and allowing the transformation of spontaneous remission. Using real stories of his patients, Bernie shows us that doctors are only helpmates; they don't heal us, we heal ourselves.

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