Book Recommendations on Active Dreaming from Rev. Susan Snowden


Robert Moss was interviewed in the documentary "Enigma of a Sorcerer" (about Carlos Castaneda ironically enough) that Michael and I watched about two years ago. I was awestruck by the synchronistic parallels between Robert's and Michael's DreamWork. Michael so resonated with his message he was compelled to seek out more information on the man. We found his website, and a picture of him. Robert could be Michael's twin brother!

Both have survived multiple near death experiences and each are Active Dreamers. It was compelling for me to read Robert's books. It was like listening to Michael describe the mechanical aspects of his own Journeys. Here's two guys, strangers to one another, who both report back in with the same technical details to cultivate the subjective events we call dreams.

Conscious Dreaming: A Spiritual Path for Everyday Life (1996)

Michael is the first person I've met that uses the DreamTime to consciously access states of heightened awareness and higher information. Robert, through his written words, is the second. Active Dreaming is an expansive Spiritual Path.

In this book, Robert provides a map to the DreamWorlds, with exercises and suggestions to help you navigate out of your physical body into what I call the astral, and return with full conscious knowledge of where you've been and what you learned.

According to Robert - "It is not enough to decide what your dream means, you need to do something to bring the energy and insight of the dream into your waking life and to honor the source from which it comes.”

And - “Where your explorations in conscious dreaming will take you will be determined by your purpose, your courage, and your familiarity with the many levels of dreaming.”

Dreamgates: Exploring the Worlds of Soul, Imagination, and Life Beyond Death (1998)

Robert digs deeper to reveal the "worlds within Worlds" as Michael calls them --- the multidimensional realities and inhabitants that exist simultaneously with our waking life. Like any good adventure guidebook, he shares with us notable places to visit, what to be on guard against, and what to expect.

Robert invites us over the threshold and through the gates to explore our Soul's purpose, communicating with beings without physical bodies (Guides and Departed Loved Ones), and accessing the Akashic Records, although he might use slightly different words!

According to Robert - "Dreamwork is soulcraft."

Dreaming True: How to Dream Your Future and Change Your Life for the Better (2000)

Robert purports that the saviors of our time, and the ones that will lead us out of the darkness of the current mess, will be the Active Dreamers. That they, quite literally, are, and will, Dream our Future. Michael concurs. By changing ourselves, we change the world.

Robert covers what he calls the seven levels of Dreaming:

1. Dream Recycling (processing the day)
2. Dream Moviemaking (showing us where we are and where our actions are leading)
3. Dreaming with the Body (direct feedback from the physical)
4. Psychic Dreaming (from the shared mind-field)
5. Transpersonal Dreaming (meeting others, living and dead)
6. Sacred Dreaming (encounters with higher beings)
7. Dreambringing (working on energy and imaginable levels to shape physical reality for the better)

According to Robert - "Dreaming, we scout ahead of ourselves and visit the possible future, rehearsing for challenges and opportunities that lie ahead on our life roads. I speak from first-hand experience when I say that catching dream clues to the future, reading them correctly and taking appropriate action can literally save your life."

Dreamgates: A Journey into Active Dreaming (Audio CD)

From the Amazon website: " Dream Gates takes you through a complete training course for the inner adventurer, where you will learn through guided dream inductions and exercises how to traverse the uncharted expanses of dream reality. What are the keys to conscious dreaming? How can you develop your powers of dream precognition? What are the most effective ways to tap your dreams for insight, creativity, and healing?

In this expansive, 12-session workshop, you will develop dream skills for embarking on routes to other worlds ... tracking down hidden knowledge ... and returning with it to waking life. These tapes can stand alone or are complimentary to Robert Moss' books, Conscious Dreaming, Dream Gates and Dreaming True."

The Dreamer's Book of the Dead: A Soul Traveler's Guide to Death, Dying, and the Other Side (2005)

I've always believed Michael survived his Near Death Experiences because he is a Dreamer and slips in and out of his physical body with ease and Intent. He visits with the Dead often and sometimes brings messages back for others. In dreams, we all can.

Robert and Michael show us it is possible to gain first hand knowledge of life after death through Active Dreaming. This book charts the course, including a meditation to go through the Life Review portion of the NDE, without dying. Why is this important? Because, when our time to crossover comes, we can leave without regrets. And thus, live to our fullest potential.

According to Robert - "The dead are dreaming of us."

Way of the Dreamer with Robert Moss: A Course In Active Dreaming (8 Program DVD Library)

From the Amazon website: " The Way of the Dreamer with Robert Moss gives you a crash course from the master of Active Dreaming himself, whose teaching is an original synthesis of ancient and indigenous dreamwork methods combined with the best of modern dreamwork.

In this busy world, where many barely have time to enjoy a good book, this 3 DVD library gives you the opportunity to learn practical dreamwork techniques from Robert at your own pace. The eight half-hour programs are succinct introductions to each aspect of Active Dreaming that can be enjoyed on your home player or your office computer. Robert’s charismatic story telling style and the many group examples of Active Dreaming in action make the material even more engaging.

The programs’ beautiful graphics, dream drawings and haunting music enhance your viewing experience, while the indexed DVD format makes it easy to locate and review any segment quickly. If you’re ready to open the door to a wonderful adventure in dreaming and wake up to the power of your dream life, you’ll find The Way of the Dreamer with Robert Moss a truly valuable companion on your exciting journey."

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